Splat: H-hi.. -hides behind Teals- Me and Teals: Uhh.. Splat, you ok? Splat: -shivers-
Pepper: In minute-- Billy Da Kitten: Woah there pardner! I thought kitten go first! -he stumbles over to a tiny cowboy hat and rolls on it-
Pepper: -bounces in- H-hey guys! -looks at all da brand new toys lady got- WOAHHHH :O
CW: Heh.. I-I.. I GOT IT! I GOT THE BALL! -a train whistle sounds- Gotta go.. Bye! -leaves 3 gold fish at the bottom of the steps-
(I might just RP All of dem) Conductor Whiskers: Move along little ball, heh! (๑•̀ㅁ•́๑)✧ -pats at the toy-
XD Umb you know me so well :3 (yeah it's Teals, just making another account because I'm taking a break from being "Teals")
Could I make him a lover? Just asking :3 (oh and hi I'm Berri nice to meet yah XD)
eeeeek yusssss i call St. Purrtrick and Guy Furry (i have all teh cats muahaha)