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Name: Vine Gender: female Crush: no body Likes: to cause mischief and garden Dislikes: pretty stuffing and goodness Fact: is evil and can control vines and other plants
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Mia you do realize that tons of people do death role play in how was I soposed to know
Fine then *vine lets go* I have a better plan >=) *disapears*
*vine won't break*
*vine won't let go and it pulls echo back*
( if it's in real life don't do it and if you are you need to see someone but if you do it in anime maker I'm good with that)
( look at my new anime)
*a vine with poisonous spikes scratches Ender and you let go*
* a vine grabs one of the babies and brings it inside the dark woods*
*a vine wraps around Cutedevil* you can't tell me what to do and I'll do whatever I want *vine lets Cutedevil go*
Me *raises hand*
Shoot me please
Any time
How about this *a vine with poisonous spikes scratches Mia* hehe *disapears*
Dark spine: miss me
*looks at Dark spine* him he'd be easy to defeat!!
*a vine with poison spikes scratches golden puppet*
*breaks the chains*
* a vine picks up golden puppet and throws her against a tree* finally some action >:)