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Hey guys it’s me Sarah.....I forgot my password T - T
My main OC:
Name: Hazel
Gender: girl

Creator: Me/ Sarah
Gender: girl
Age: none of your business
Crush: -covers mouth and says something muffled-
Some of my most beloved friends:
Lively paw

12 Following     5 Follower


Q3:Do you know me as the girl you broke up with?

(Yaas! Now let’s go on private chat if we wanna go any more specific...)

5 years ago   Reply

Q3:Do you know me as the girl you broke up with?

(Oof sorry bradley I forgot...your not from the same country as me lol)

5 years ago   Reply

Q3:Do you know me as the girl you broke up with?

Yeah, but Harriet Tubman and her husband had like a 20 year difference....

5 years ago   Reply

Q3:Do you know me as the girl you broke up with?

And the reason why I’m mad about only this one is because you didn’t like me age. If you actually liked me you woul- nvm it’ll just start a fight

5 years ago   Reply

Q3:Do you know me as the girl you broke up with?

Well if I let the past go then I let anime maker go. Anime maker is my past.

5 years ago   Reply

Q and A for Ender

After everything we’ve done.....do you loathe me?

5 years ago   Reply