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I RULE THE DUMPSTER My main: Joined this app on Saturday, September 1, 2018.
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Chat Room/ Q&A :)
Omg wow your art has gotten crazy good over the years!
Found this from almost a year ago too
Omg you’re still here on this app?
Movement/lighting test
Very circular
I have a new favorite song :)
I listened to your song and I still like Numb better than Lonely King
Dawg does laundry
Dawg doesn’t wear clothes and that looks like fake money o-o
I have ✨given up✨ On animating lizards
Aww sad
Give me types of lizards and I’ll animate them doing this
Um clothing requests I guess?
Cinderella dress
Prism (Old dragon OC 2)
Kk I’ve got the password. And I’m pretty sure that wouldn’t have happened if you didn’t share the password and email with everyone in that post.
Locking me out of root beer AGAIN?! This is starting to get terribly annoying
This is the place to discuss clues, if there are clues
Found it and saved it
Which one did you put it in? I can’t find it
In one of your video comments you could give me the password. I only need that since I still have the email saved.
Kk well I do have a yt account
Dc stands for discord
RootBeerFloat 🍨
Oh wait a second, I have you added on Xbox. If you download the Xbox app we can use the chat option in that.
Do you happen to have dc?
Rootbeer I see you’ve kicked me out
For request five (the actual one)
Oooooooo shinny
I wanna join artfight but I’m literally terrified
Yeah websites like that can get confusing