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this is how much i love rus:8
But the eight laying down ;)
35 Following 16 Follower
.... --- .-- / -.-. ..- - . / .. / .- -- --..-- -. --- -... --- -.. -.-- / -.-. .- -. / -.. .. ... .- --. .-. . .
-.-- / --- / ..- / .-. / ... / --- / -. / .. / ... / -.-. / ..- / - / . / .-.
Why are you so cute as a human h e l p ;//v//;
.... . .-.. .-.. --- / --. ..- -.-- ... / .. / .--- ..- ... - / .-- .- -. - . -.. / - --- / -- .- -.- . / .- -. / . -.. --. -.-- / .--. --- ... -
. -.. --. -.-- -. . ... ... ---... . -..- .. ... - . -. - / --. --- --- -.. / .--- --- -...
Thanks for being here for me...*sobs*
Thanks brother 👏 a w e s o m e j o b 👌
Sksksksk*hugs rus* ;-;
Why cant i stop thinking about someone...?!
Uh russia do u have d i s c o r d or somethn?
But theyre right... Im annoying i dont even deserve friends or even you....
Rolling eyes (almost full body animation)
Sorry but do u even know what a full body animation is? (Not trying to be mean tho)
But hes my b f f :>
nO he carEs about mE >:T
aAAAa whAts ruS gonnA thInk about thIs?!...
nO *runs away like a ninJa*
Oh lmao
nO If someobOdys gonna kill me its nOt gonna be the father of my cRush
Let me dieeeeeee ;0;
*d i e s a g a i n*