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I'mso sorry to. Aqua I ruin Aqua's wedding please forgive me I wish this never happened I'm now going to be unknown forever only my friends
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The Wedding is today.
I'm wishing
I'm in
Please -cries- I wish this accident never happened;-;
Depress girl
Everybody hates me
My only wish
If I had one wish I wish Aqua and I never fight help me poeple are after me
Aqua I said I was sorry and you never respond how come
Fuck that hurts like hell
I SAID I WAS SORRY -grabs knife-
Kill me
Poeple are after me I need to go bye
It's all gunna be ok..I promise!!
Why have I done this -goes to room crying- ;-;
Me and Balloon are ready! But Goldie hid somewhere......
-cries- ;-;
Kill me...
I said sorry and she never respond and I will make her something before I die
-I need a gun to-
No Title
I said I was sorry to her she ever respond I'm waiting while I'm killing myself
•I'm sorry that I lied to you•
-gun shot noise- -faints-
It's all going to be ok...
Please stop.....I said I was sorry...-goes into room-
Why Mangle Why?
Mangle it was me
Mangle don't worry they call me mangle to