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Everyone’s leaving and it’s all my fault
Hope you guys know that
Yo if your reading this I’m probably gone, or in another account because this account turned to shit
68 Following 84 Follower
Probably just going to murder this account
I can give you the name on discord
Guess I don’t learn from my mistakes
Can you go to discord
My memory locked
Gn y’all
I’m on for right now
Oh yes I know
Hey Zone and Rayne
*puts arm around kuya* your not alone buddy
How to make friends 101
Well, hello
Hello there
Gender swapped 50s and 90s
Just like a 50s dress, I’m so bad at drawing women
My friend group:Zone, Rayne, kuya, me etc etc *friends theme plays*
"I love you"
Lmao, it’s beautiful
I have you mail
Night I guess
L o s e r
I’m screXjimg
No, I’m just dying
America jumping through a window in a Santa costume is g r e a r
I posted a bunch of cursed pictures of ice cream
Yes, yes it is, please do not go back to discord