North Korea

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Don't make me mad or i'll nuke you.
Fuck America.
Fuck South Korea.
Fuck Japan.
Fuck Denmark.
Fuck Great Britain.
Fuck Canada.
Fuck France.
Fuck Mexico.
Russia is good.
Germany is good.
China good.
All other commie country's are good.
Fuck all my enemies.
Likes: Nukes. Winning. Communism. Russia. China. Germany.
Hates: Losing. America, South Korea, Japan, Denmark, Great Britain, Canada, France, Mexico. Enemies. Not having enough nukes. Non-communist. Dogs.

12 Following     12 Follower

  North Korea

Party rp!

SuRe WhY nOt. *Is hella drunk and also hella gay*

5 years ago   Reply
  North Korea

Party rp!

SuRe WhY nOt.

5 years ago   Reply
  North Korea

Party rp!

*Trips over and falls on Germany*

5 years ago   Reply
  North Korea

Anyone want to ship France--

(When North Korea is drunk is loves everyone.)

5 years ago   Reply
  North Korea

Party rp!

*Is running around without any cloaths on* ReEeEEEeEeE

5 years ago   Reply
  North Korea

Party rp!

*Gets even MORE drunk*

5 years ago   Reply
  North Korea

Anyone want to ship France--

(Problly a Drunk North Korea)

5 years ago   Reply
  North Korea

Party rp!

YoU wAnT a CoMuNiSt BlUnT uSsR?

5 years ago   Reply
  North Korea

Party rp!

*Is getting even more drunk* AnYoNe WaNt A cOmUnIsT bLuNt?

5 years ago   Reply
  North Korea

Party rp!

*Is no longer in wall* AnYoNe WaNt A bLuNt?

5 years ago   Reply
  North Korea

Party rp!

*gets stuck in a wall. somehow...* HeLp

5 years ago   Reply
  North Korea

Party rp!

*Gets more beer*

5 years ago   Reply
  North Korea

Party rp!

*Drinks more beer*

5 years ago   Reply
  North Korea

Party rp!

*Is now fully drunk* HeY. HoW's It GoInG eVeRyOnE

5 years ago   Reply
  North Korea

Party rp!

*Is getting drunk*

5 years ago   Reply
  North Korea

Rose's are red, grass makes me itch))USSR: Ready to die for your country you commie bitch?

Roses are red, Better red than dead. COMMUNISM IS GOOD FOR YOU TOO!

5 years ago   Reply
  North Korea

Party rp!

*Goes to bar* Give me a drink bartender.

5 years ago   Reply
  North Korea

Party rp!

*is here now because i am back* Hello.

5 years ago   Reply