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hello everybody! Yes, I may draw furries but.. at least I can draw something. 🤷♀️
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Redraw my oc answer a cat/furry.
Repost because I love this.
This is hilarious! I love the remake of the Elmo trend thing. Btw, the art isn’t absolutely fanstastic! Keep up the good work.
I’m back after over 2 years! 🥴
I agree, so nice!
It’s alright. I was like 10 and very immature.. I was like a pick me! 😆
OMG YES! We used to fight all the time. 💀 so embarrassing.
Bff’s forever
Lol you copied me, although it was awhile ago
Any costume dares
U copied me on the hood thing!
Luna the fox is a assturd
Wolfy is a giant assturd
I mean it’s wolfy! I did nothing to you wolfichu
Hey guys...thx for standing up for me! It’s me wolfykillz,she made me quit anime maker but I’m back
Goodbye 2019
Hi nova...wolfiechu made me quit anime maker,I will leave u both along okay?
No I did not! U made me quit anime maker! U made me feel bad about my drawings,and I’m sorry
I need requests!
I will kill your cats nova just remember I'm always watching
For unikitty/ Khloe
Also mangle,nobody cares what you think
Mangle! Stop
Mangle is my name has to stop she copied me. :/
If u look on my thing you will see why x~x
Sorry for copy you nova
Lol sorry nova but I really wanted to
Nova ;—; I am sorry I copy you also and mangle