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Assassins Roleplay
*smiles softly* so sisss, what are we gonna do today?
‘^’ *plops onto the couch*
*looks at ring in awe* that’s real pretty.. *looks up at her* how come your not wearing it?
*slightly tilts her head* your..husband?,
*ears point up back* who’s thaattt?
*smiles back at her*
*wags tail rapidly* THANK YOUUU!! *shoves in her mouth* -w-
i want bagel, sissss!! *wags tail* can i have one? can i, can i?!
*jumps off the couch* IM UP!
*groans* just five more minutesssss...
*continues to sleep* zzzz...
Fanart for (_.Childish nerd._)
its okei, its awesome! ùwú
chu welcome
No Title
o m g, can you me oc ;w;
its b e a t i f u l owO
no problemo •w•
your art style is adorable !! and welcome to..AnimeMaker ówÒ
my re-draw of my very first drawing on AnimeMaker
t ha n k y ou !
poor sis, so tired. *flops herself onto the couch and goes to sleep*