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Blurb Blurb blurb blurbs blurb b b blurb blurb blurb blurb blurb (so hi im OctoDad and uhm Shout Out To Willow And GuyMakesComics And MinerMaster) blurb! (BYE!) Ocs sans ink sans fresh snas octo dad azzy aka asriel and I'm azzy rn I am now kurry oki

25 Following     18 Follower


Kill or be killed

Now for me but stay determined *flowey slaps me * HEY

4 years ago   Reply


Nice smear animation

4 years ago   Reply

oof another girl likes me

Im........sorry.....i... uhm...........l....like you...its now not 1 girl...but 2

4 years ago   Reply

Donate for tem to go to college .... Need 10000 gold (Comment your donation)

Donates 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000*

4 years ago   Reply


Can you make one where sans and chara are having sex

4 years ago   Reply


I just looked back at dis

4 years ago   Reply

I'm bummed and I'm at Wisconsin

Hey can I give you a challenge if yes come to my channel I'll post a challenge for u

4 years ago   Reply