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Blurb Blurb blurb blurbs blurb b b blurb blurb blurb blurb blurb (so hi im OctoDad and uhm Shout Out To Willow And GuyMakesComics And MinerMaster) blurb! (BYE!) Ocs sans ink sans fresh snas octo dad azzy aka asriel and I'm azzy rn I am now kurry oki

25 Following     18 Follower


Fire power

Sans yep I see it sans

4 years ago   Reply

Beep beep I'm a sheep I said beep beep I'm a sheep *repeat*

Beep b3ep ima sheep insid beep beep I'm a chee

4 years ago   Reply

Lust sans


4 years ago   Reply


I draw him on my acc

4 years ago   Reply

Making a new acc called gayanimalshentai for NSFW

[Oo what's the first animation called? I want to see her the nsfw

4 years ago   Reply

oof another girl likes me

lol im at school rn on the chrome book lol mah teacher is liek wtf

4 years ago   Reply

Epic Blue Cake

hoi guys checking in im at school rn and ye ;w; im scared i just did a test op igtg

4 years ago   Reply

Uhhhh should I do a Voice Reveal on YT?

Here I'll do it tomorrow I was out pokemon going

4 years ago   Reply


Ok I know the lyrics

4 years ago   Reply