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Hello! Im just a new animator here on animemaker. Oh?...oh. You just wanted my skill level huh....
8 フォロー中 15 フォロワー
Oof,what did you try to draw?
Wolf stay safe dont end your own life its not a good idea
There are people who really like you,your family,your friends,
Ther are people who care about you
Then what
Wolf this is serious
Dont please
Wolf just stay safe ok?if ur sad i get sad please
Wolf no please
Fat to skinny
Honestly being skinny isnt as “cool” as it looks,i feel like a stick
Is it the breakup with you and exotic just tell me
Why are you sad
I need som help :p
Why are sad
Wolf stop im getting extremely worried
Just tell me or someone why you are sad we can help
No ur not
Wolfie im here to help if you need it
Im worried
Omg dont do that if u need help were here for you
Are u ok wuh happen