Nightmare Bonnie Studios

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  Nightmare Bonnie Studios

I guess I’m rating art now

This has nothing g to do with my art but can I have your toast?

3 years ago   Reply (1)
  Nightmare Bonnie Studios

Skip kusnetsov

Yes but like a earape version

3 years ago   Reply
  Nightmare Bonnie Studios

Skip kusnetsov

I’m more real than you will ever know.

3 years ago   Reply
  Nightmare Bonnie Studios

Q and A for me

Why did you build me to scare chris

3 years ago   Reply (1)
  Nightmare Bonnie Studios

I returned cuz I though people would miss me but everyone seemed just fined when I came back.

I’ll be gone till Christmas Eve then I’ll tell you if I decide to leave or not. Ok?

3 years ago   Reply
  Nightmare Bonnie Studios

Hehehe for Lloyd and Riki 👉👈😳

Well loud left and all the drama is sorta over sooo I’m not sure what to say.

3 years ago   Reply
  Nightmare Bonnie Studios

Woods rp (feat.Walter, Righty, and Electric)

(Lads I gtg but before I actually leave horror I must speak with you on discord)

3 years ago   Reply (2)
  Nightmare Bonnie Studios

Woods rp (feat.Walter, Righty, and Electric)

*my soul would leave but becomes very frightening demon and eat the zombies*

3 years ago   Reply
  Nightmare Bonnie Studios

Woods rp (feat.Walter, Righty, and Electric)

*he would see that wires got torn apart*

3 years ago   Reply
  Nightmare Bonnie Studios

Woods rp (feat.Walter, Righty, and Electric)

Me*a zombie rips put my battery pack and my sabers turn off along with me~

3 years ago   Reply
  Nightmare Bonnie Studios

Woods rp (feat.Walter, Righty, and Electric)

Me:*uses force heal on Walter while fighting off zombies at the same time*
Me:btw only righty gets to call me NB.

3 years ago   Reply
  Nightmare Bonnie Studios

Woods rp (feat.Walter, Righty, and Electric)

Me:*gets another arm out of pack and puts it on…

3 years ago   Reply
  Nightmare Bonnie Studios

Woods rp (feat.Walter, Righty, and Electric)

Me:*uses my red light saber and dark saber in separate hands* *uses the rainbow kyber crystal to build another saber while Walter fends off the zombies*

3 years ago   Reply
  Nightmare Bonnie Studios

Woods rp (feat.Walter, Righty, and Electric)

Me:*quickly opens the chest and gets the dark saber plus and rainbow kyber crystal*

3 years ago   Reply
  Nightmare Bonnie Studios

Woods rp (feat.Walter, Righty, and Electric)

Me:time to die *I force throw the zombies and stab some with my saber~

3 years ago   Reply