Nightmare Bonnie Studios

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  Nightmare Bonnie Studios

Woods rp (feat.Walter, Righty, and Electric)

Me:*pulls it and we all fall down a shaft not a room with a treasure chest*

3 years ago   Reply
  Nightmare Bonnie Studios

Woods rp (feat.Walter, Righty, and Electric)

Me:hey Walter you are force sensitive :>
Me:Join the dark side for unlimited power...

3 years ago   Reply
  Nightmare Bonnie Studios

Woods rp (feat.Walter, Righty, and Electric)

Me:*uses the saber to slice the door in half~

3 years ago   Reply
  Nightmare Bonnie Studios

Woods rp (feat.Walter, Righty, and Electric)

Me:*puts on a Sith robe and gets a red lightsaber~

3 years ago   Reply
  Nightmare Bonnie Studios

Woods rp (feat.Walter, Righty, and Electric)

My arm;*plugs in the new battery and reattaches itself~

3 years ago   Reply
  Nightmare Bonnie Studios

Woods rp (feat.Walter, Righty, and Electric)

Me:*an extra battery falls out of pack*

3 years ago   Reply
  Nightmare Bonnie Studios

Woods rp (feat.Walter, Righty, and Electric)

My arm:*crawls up water* sign language:yes

3 years ago   Reply
  Nightmare Bonnie Studios

Woods rp (feat.Walter, Righty, and Electric)

Me:*falls of tree* OOF *left arm falls off* at least it isn’t my right arm *picks it up and continues walking on the ground*

3 years ago   Reply
  Nightmare Bonnie Studios

Woods rp (feat.Walter, Righty, and Electric)

Me:yes ~jumps on to the tree tops and runs~ KEEP UP SLOW POOKS!

3 years ago   Reply
  Nightmare Bonnie Studios

Woods rp (feat.Walter, Righty, and Electric)

Me:~jumps down kicking Walter in the head~

3 years ago   Reply