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Hello! I am very very bad at animation but good at art
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Im bored. Any ideas?
Good morning
This is my OC for im dead inside
Do you mind if I redraw her ?
She cute
I got a new pencil-
💖😌👊✨my sister stole my iPad so I’m going to crush her with a steam roller byeee✨💖
なぜ私はペットなのですか? (Why am i a Pet?)
Those magnificent holy thieghs
過去の未来を思い出し、過去の未来を変える "Remebering the future's past to change the past's future
Do you have a webtoon manga you need to make one oh great one
Among us...but Anime
This is cursed but I love it
The way she looks at Hikigaya is so cute! 引ヶ谷の見方がとっても可愛い
That photo animation alone can make anyone wanna be Hikigaya
Kaguya wants some attention from Shirogane. 彼女はいくつかの注意を望んでいます
I wouldn’t be surprised if senpai was god
Repost of king boo! shout out to BurnedRice!
If hazzer was god I wouldn’t be surprised
We play, to Win!!
She cute tho
Meliodas transform really bad And cringe
Thanks Thats really kind but ... you dont have to pity me
Wtf Duolingo just decided to murder me
No skool
for my sister lol
[BNHA] goddamned humus :’(
Its one of my fave animes normally my fave character is never thé main character but in SDS meliodas is my fave