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(Winter) cold.(summer) GIVE ME STRENGTH AND GRATITUDE TELL~ME WHAT IS IT I CAN ASK OF YOU TELL~ME WHAT IT IS THAT I CANT SEE TELL me now tell me now who is I’m supposed to BE
1 Following 1 Follower
Idrc just give me ideas
Btw can you give me some ideas?
Snake 7
Hey I’m a kid to I’m really happy you liked my video so I followed you
What one do you think is better straight or wobbled?
I hate my life
Oh Christmas tree
Lol crash XD
Die potato die
Don’t worry I now how
My steps of drawing! And Gm!
I love it will you love mine plz I only have one like and I’m only 8 and not so good at drawing so plz
Glass globe do you like it? cus I gots no likes and mes sads and Mehs just a littles girls ims onlys 8
Lovely but fast?
I just accidentally broke my apple pen ༼ ༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ༽
NOOOOOOOOO!! ApPlE pEn WhY😭😭😭😭😭😭😭🤯🤯😱😱😨😨
Just some lyrics to a song
I’d like to die but scared and I don’t want to live
Yay it’s so fast😅🥴
Why man!
Haha haha I’m so evil😈
My mom-_-
This is so funny🤣