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The world had peace, not until u came konata..

And I want to say sorry to you too

10 years ago   Reply

The world had peace, not until u came konata..

Ok.. I said I'm sorry.. I'm just trying to stop okay? You know I feel like crap.. Yea I made a big mistake and I regret it.. But I'm just going to ignore you..

10 years ago   Reply

Oh and btw Konata and YES it is you -.-

To get people's friendships

10 years ago   Reply

Oh and btw Konata and YES it is you -.-

Honestly this is all the truth about me: yes I am 10..(I shouldn't be swearing) yea I'm a average kid.. ( that means I get middle grades) yes I'm sensitive.. I also get mad easily ask me more questions for more truth (yes I do make new accounts to get peo

10 years ago   Reply

Oh and btw Konata and YES it is you -.-

Go ahead everyone give more examples why I should die.. Because everything you guys said was true about me.. I want to say I'm sorry but.. Yea..

10 years ago   Reply

Oh and btw Konata and YES it is you -.-

Yes I feel like a jerk and crap.. I don't deserve another chance.. I' want to die but wanting to die because but I'm scared.. Call me a sissy because I am everyone I want to say sorry but I wouldn't forgive myself too..

10 years ago   Reply

Oh and btw Konata and YES it is you -.-

6. I'm always scared but act brave on here..

10 years ago   Reply

Oh and btw Konata and YES it is you -.-

4. I always make new accounts

10 years ago   Reply

Oh and btw Konata and YES it is you -.-

2. I should do that because I'm selfish and mean

10 years ago   Reply

Oh and btw Konata and YES it is you -.-

1. I should die because I'm full of lies and I'm a liar

10 years ago   Reply

Oh and btw Konata and YES it is you -.-

Your right I was a big idiot.. I wish I never did it.. I wish I could say sorry but I get consequences I should probably die but I'm too scared.. Wow I'm such a spoiled little stupid brat I'll give you reasons why I should..

10 years ago   Reply