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Hey guys! I'm Peekabruh. I like Butter. Butter is delicious it goes well with cookies.
God dammit! I was trying to think how to react but then my brain told me the cheesiest flirt ever. ALL I WANTED TO DO WAS EAT THE FRICKING COOKIE!
My cat is weird. He is also disgusting. Read description to be disgusted
Well now I do know what he does to the toy at night. And I am disturbed.
Excatly. But eh. I won't care. I embarrass myself all the time. One time I Taped a bunch of stuffed animals to me. And I went out and ran around yelling "FEAR ME!"
Oh crap. I just realized I could get embarrassed by this too. I have a theory of how I could but My theory is way too long so I'm not gonna type it.
Because I can. I'm still Fricking dying out laughing still. Get REKT M8.