-β„•π•¦π•žπ•šπ•Ÿπ• π•¦π•€-

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This account is dead, so... yeah.
Thanks for being here for me.

Hello there! I’m just another user on this app who likes to make art and roleplay. I’ve been here since March 4th of 2020. I have a terrible sense of humor and I delete a lot of my posts so have fun with that- 🀧

Here’s a little bit about myself:

Name: Numinous (Toa or Numi)
Gender: Female
Age: I’m a teenager
Sexuality: Bisexual
Pronouns: She/They

And that’s about it. Thank you for reading, beans!

Go subscribe to my YouTube channel, since I'm not really here anymore:

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  -β„•π•¦π•žπ•šπ•Ÿπ• π•¦π•€-

A very late gift for Nelle and a late Happy Fathers Day!

this is adorable as hell! decided to poke my head back in for a second and see how everyone was doing. keep it up eggs!

2 years ago   Reply
  -β„•π•¦π•žπ•šπ•Ÿπ• π•¦π•€-

I'm just going to go ahead and say it

I wish you would've just ended this in a better way, I wish you didn't lie to us... you said you'd be here for us... and you just left us with no closure, you broke up with me the moment you came back, and now you're gone.
You're really fucking gone.
This is the end, isn't it?
Me and Shadow have been talking.. more than half of our characters are dead, now.
I just want you to fucking say something, please..
I hate that I miss you...

2 years ago   Reply
  -β„•π•¦π•žπ•šπ•Ÿπ• π•¦π•€-

I'm just going to go ahead and say it

Thanks for making the past couple months hell, ending our relationship out of nowhere, and ditching us.

2 years ago   Reply
  -β„•π•¦π•žπ•šπ•Ÿπ• π•¦π•€-


Hey chill it's only for a day tho, you just get an annoying fever 🀧

2 years ago   Reply (2)
  -β„•π•¦π•žπ•šπ•Ÿπ• π•¦π•€-

Roleplay for me and toa

Hunter: *hugs him tightly*
*le quietly*
Mars, do you know how many times I've died...?

2 years ago   Reply
  -β„•π•¦π•žπ•šπ•Ÿπ• π•¦π•€-

Roleplay for me and toa

Hunter: *eyebrows go down more*
*gently rubs ze bean's back*
It wasn't completely your fault... they drugged me... I wasn't myself... okay...?

2 years ago   Reply
  -β„•π•¦π•žπ•šπ•Ÿπ• π•¦π•€-


*screams in nostalgia*

2 years ago   Reply (1)
  -β„•π•¦π•žπ•šπ•Ÿπ• π•¦π•€-

Roleplay for me and toa

Hunter: *no mind cuz he's seen him naked plenty of times before*
*tight hug*
....shhh... I'm right here.....

2 years ago   Reply
  -β„•π•¦π•žπ•šπ•Ÿπ• π•¦π•€-

Thinking about leaving

I mean I don't blame you
I'm still on discord though so if you ever wanna talk I'm up for it
I just never have time sorry πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

2 years ago   Reply (1)
  -β„•π•¦π•žπ•šπ•Ÿπ• π•¦π•€-

Roleplay for me and toa

Hunter: *slightly staggered breath cuz upset*
*runs his fingers through his hair slowly*
....I-I forgive you.... it's okay....

2 years ago   Reply
  -β„•π•¦π•žπ•šπ•Ÿπ• π•¦π•€-

Roleplay for me and toa

Hunter: *pulls him closer and holds ze bean tightly*
*very shaky/shuddery breath*
I-I know, I know... everything's o-okay... I-I'm sorry...

2 years ago   Reply
  -β„•π•¦π•žπ•šπ•Ÿπ• π•¦π•€-

Roleplay for me and toa

There were quite a few more lmao)

Hunter: *very tight and reassuring hug*
*shaky voice*
…i-it’s going to be okay….

Mike: Do you know why I called you in here?)
Peyton: Because I accidentally sent you a dick pic.)
Mike: *stops pouring two glasses of wine* Accidentally-?)

2 years ago   Reply
  -β„•π•¦π•žπ•šπ•Ÿπ• π•¦π•€-

i hate halloween

go as a plague doctor
they’re pretty cool looking

2 years ago   Reply
  -β„•π•¦π•žπ•šπ•Ÿπ• π•¦π•€-

Roleplay for me and toa

Hunter: *holding him tightly and just kinda be wrapped around ze bean*
*shakily and gently*
….s-shhh… everything’s going to b-be okay…. shh…
*very protective of his bean*

So I was screwing around with the incorrect quotes generator again)
And here was my favorite-)

Hunter: *yawns*)
Mars: I guess being pretty is tiring.)
Hunter: You must be exhausted, then.)
Mars: *gets overwhelmed-*)

2 years ago   Reply
  -β„•π•¦π•žπ•šπ•Ÿπ• π•¦π•€-

Roleplay for me and toa

Hunter: *after a second, he pulls Mars into a better and slightly tighter hug*
*holding him close*
*tremble and le tears be rolling down slowly*

2 years ago   Reply