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14 フォロー中 5 フォロワー
I liked your of anime👍🏻
Hey I posted a new anime . Yes true it it really really really hurt !
June 1st
Can you please not wake me up at 1 o’clock in the morning?
Happy birthday.
Girl go to bed
I'm short
I’m tall. I’m 10 and 5’2
Hey beee..Coolboiiii what’s up with you. It’s Kuri your cousin
Gunshots squirrel
Can you follow me
I dyed my hair
Those are the exact same colors I died my hair
Hi guys
A. patient with your phone. Your cousin is talking to you
Zombie it’s Kuri can you follow me and make more animes ? Please?
Zombie can you follow me ? Please?
Can you post more videos pleeeeeeeeeeaaaaaassssssse