🌸pinky marce studio🌸

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🌸Welcome to my profile 🌸

-This profile is about animations and drawings and mabey more especially funny faces.

Most of my posts are "family friendly "
I'm just a person who draws and makes animations.
-make sure to maintain your manners and respect oders especially here or else = block 🚫

black lives matters ✊🏻✊🏼✊🏽✊🏿

Oh I almost forgot I'm straight 😄

-(*page updated *)

167 Following     373 Follower

  🌸pinky marce studio🌸

Now i'm 16 years old ._.

I came late 😭 happy birthday

1 years ago   Reply (1)
  🌸pinky marce studio🌸


So you wake up and choose to do one of the most random things on this app for no reason???

2 years ago   Reply
  🌸pinky marce studio🌸


True sometimes even in the night

2 years ago   Reply
  🌸pinky marce studio🌸

Running from mommy long legs

I played that game yesterday night

2 years ago   Reply
  🌸pinky marce studio🌸

ANOTHER REASON why I can’t animate on this app

Same but if you try saving your data on settings = (import data) and click "save" all you have to do is delete the app and re-download the app again (export the data) and choose the file you saved you only need to log in back

2 years ago   Reply
  🌸pinky marce studio🌸

Other Friends Animation

I love this😭😭😭❤❤ it's so well made

2 years ago   Reply
  🌸pinky marce studio🌸


Yeah the come along with me song is so good😭

2 years ago   Reply