Andrews Mom

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Just here to be an overprotective but cool Mom.

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  Andrews Mom

GUH-HUH (Reupload)

BanJooooo!!! I like your drawing Andyroo! Guh Huh!!!

4 years ago   Reply
  Andrews Mom


I am teasing my son and my Grandson. I’m being silly with them. I am on here to keep an eye on them both because you never know if you don’t see. πŸ’–

4 years ago   Reply
  Andrews Mom

Bfdi 26 coming around today 3pm or 3:15pm

I’d love to see version 26!! πŸ˜€

4 years ago   Reply
  Andrews Mom

I'm leaving animemaker

See! People like your art! You are creative and smart!

4 years ago   Reply
  Andrews Mom

I'm leaving animemaker

Awww cutie, I love you, I’m sad to see you go... I love your drawings. πŸ’–.

4 years ago   Reply
  Andrews Mom

A Apple

Nice!! Looks cool 😎

4 years ago   Reply
  Andrews Mom

Help us from fire

Ohhhh nooooo!!! Run cutie run!!!!!

4 years ago   Reply
  Andrews Mom

I want to go to bed, but, I can't

It’s Grandma, Raiden :). April πŸ’–

4 years ago   Reply
  Andrews Mom

Raiden sees ball again!

Awwww, that was nice Andrew. It’s fun when Raiden comes over! :D

4 years ago   Reply
  Andrews Mom

Andrew licks raiden

That made me laugh Andrew, good drawing!! Raiden, I like your keyboard faces too! Good job!

4 years ago   Reply
  Andrews Mom


Good drawing of yourself Raiden!! I see your smile πŸ’–

4 years ago   Reply
  Andrews Mom

I want to go to bed, but, I can't

Grrrrrrrr!!!! Andrewwwww

4 years ago   Reply