This pup girl animates!

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Hi, I like dogs and I hope you like my animations! ( ˘ ³˘)♥

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  This pup girl animates!

Good morning every one!

I’m doing fine and you?

4 years ago   Reply
  This pup girl animates!


Dude that’s awsome!

4 years ago   Reply
  This pup girl animates!

Challenge: draw me in ur style

I did it but it’s not very good I hope you like it

4 years ago   Reply
  This pup girl animates!

I need a little more confidence in myself.

Ying yang I made your prize go and check it out if you want

4 years ago   Reply
  This pup girl animates!

Any dares for Jack

I dare jack to be a girl

4 years ago   Reply