It’s Ari noodle lover

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Hi I’m Ari but u can also call me noodle I’m 14 and yeah I have trouble with my emotions and that’s it!!! :)

Stuff I hate: loud noises Screaming negativity bullying

Stuff I like: peace and quite music anime going to the beach talking to people!!
I’m also a extrovert!!! But I do have trouble telling people my feelings cus I’m sacred they might yell at me-
And yeah!!! But sometimes I do tell you guys about my family problems and yeah...! But I hope you like my drawings!!!!

Have a nice day or night!!!!! :)


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  It’s Ari noodle lover


So I have been gone Because I was grounded for having a fight with my brother

3 years ago   Reply
  It’s Ari noodle lover


I think you should do a cosplay

4 years ago   Reply
  It’s Ari noodle lover

Good morning

I can’t sleep anymore it’s like I can’t I stayed up all night for the LAST few days I had good hours not anymore

4 years ago   Reply
  It’s Ari noodle lover

Good morning

Well tbh I never fell asleep

4 years ago   Reply
  It’s Ari noodle lover


They are the best friends forever

4 years ago   Reply
  It’s Ari noodle lover

Literally Alex

*hugs him* sometimes the best answer is a hug!!

4 years ago   Reply
  It’s Ari noodle lover

Literally Alex

Mean like I don’t know what you have been threw Alex but... you should not let the past hold you back! Think About the Positivity in life and I just look for the future not the past and besides *demon voice* STAY POSITIVE!!!!!!!!!!!

4 years ago   Reply
  It’s Ari noodle lover

Literally Alex

*arm is on fire* yeah this is every normal hahah...!

4 years ago   Reply
  It’s Ari noodle lover

Literally Alex

Boi I’m already dead I would not be a Fire demon!!!

4 years ago   Reply
  It’s Ari noodle lover

Another “scary” drawin.

Is it bad I’m kinda scared by this..? But it’s a really nice drawing!!!!!

4 years ago   Reply