ˢⁱʳ ˢʷᵃᵍ (semi inactive)

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( safe place for everyone!!)
My name's Liam :)
(Trans swag man here)
(I'm pan 🧍🍳)
Instagram - pureacidcore
Youtube- sir swagster
Pinterest- swagfish sirswag
(Username) cakebunnyowo
(Display name) sir swagy
Discord: _sirswag
DeviantArt- sirswagy
Webtoon- Diner and Dasher


1655 Following     1106 Follower

  ˢⁱʳ ˢʷᵃᵍ (semi inactive)


I check in on the site here and there but thanks man :]
Another reason I did leave is also cuz the site is basically not usable for me anymore I try to draw and it crashes 🫶

2 months ago   Reply (1)
  ˢⁱʳ ˢʷᵃᵍ (semi inactive)

I just wanna be part of your symphONYYYYY 😻😻😻😻

Will you hold me tight and not let go?
Like a love song on the radio
Will you hold me tight and not let go?
I'm sorry if it's all too much
Every day you're here, I'm healing
And I was runnin' out of luck
I never thought I'd find this feeling
'Cause I've been hearing symphonies
Before all I heard was silence
A rhapsody for you and me
(A rhapsody for you and me)
And every melody is timeless


4 months ago   Reply
  ˢⁱʳ ˢʷᵃᵍ (semi inactive)

There are 13 minutes left until March 3...

Dang bro it's March 2 and in the afternoon for me 😰

4 months ago   Reply
  ˢⁱʳ ˢʷᵃᵍ (semi inactive)


It does but I don't think McDonald's should taste like that ☹️

4 months ago   Reply (2)
  ˢⁱʳ ˢʷᵃᵍ (semi inactive)

Maddie and unknown

Yeah plus the people who sometimes post bad things could abuse that to upload inappropriate things and just only have the background instead of anything else

Although I think they should bring back being able to see your sketch on the bg layer and also let background layer be able to make multiple Incase you want the bg to have flowing rivers or something

4 months ago   Reply (1)
  ˢⁱʳ ˢʷᵃᵍ (semi inactive)


Hopefully it is a scare tactic

4 months ago   Reply
  ˢⁱʳ ˢʷᵃᵍ (semi inactive)


Exaggerated anatomy is so silly tho idk why people like to think it's a bad thing

Exaggerated anatomy helps when defining a characters personality 😢

4 months ago   Reply
  ˢⁱʳ ˢʷᵃᵍ (semi inactive)

Idea for kenmaz(likes to make KENMAZ see it 🤓)

I mean photos I get it would be helpful but I rlly like this app cuz I know that no one's stole art cuz you can't import images

But it would be helpful :3

4 months ago   Reply (1)
  ˢⁱʳ ˢʷᵃᵍ (semi inactive)

The Giggler

It just changed back to normal tho

4 months ago   Reply
  ˢⁱʳ ˢʷᵃᵍ (semi inactive)

The Giggler

It keeps going to a more modern version with the home.and my account button etc on a little.menu on the bottom of the screen

4 months ago   Reply