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Hello! I'm kawaii mauquroon! I suck at animating, but im a really good drawer

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I'll stay...

Dont hurt yourself, i care so much. Please dont hurt yourself or i will hurt my self. I hate to see people die

7 years ago   Reply

I'll stay...

Dont hurt yourself, i care so much. Please dont hurt yourself or i will hurt my self. I hate to see people die

7 years ago   Reply

Meet GemStone.. My OC!

Why is she standing on a hot dog??

7 years ago   Reply


Wow i did not know boccoli was a fruit!

7 years ago   Reply

My musical.ly @marietesaov (Maruška Tesařová)

My musicly is mehdo or somthin like dat

7 years ago   Reply

Ruth's and Springtrap's son

BLEAGH! -oc x springtrap-

7 years ago   Reply

Add Me and my frisnd if you like our drawings

I play, but im not online most of the time

7 years ago   Reply