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Joined~ 3/2/2018
also know as
Fox Lune
°+ Mœ +°
lesbian || ace
she || her
september, 19 ♍️
i’m gay and crave affection , 👨🏼‍🦲🤲🏼
If I follow I’m probably stalking ur account on the daily 👁👁
discord: Roach ♡#3355


13 跟随     40 追随者


Omg hes so ❤attractive❤

yeah I just was younger and stupid, I completely understand if she doesn’t forgive me because I hurt her, but I just wanted to stop running away

4 years ago   回复

Nobody cares, but i’m just going to rant anyway. read if your interested I guess.

i’m so glad, and I hope we continue to talk to each-other for as long as your here, i’m sorry if that’s a bit selfish

4 years ago   回复


This is just another fake identity of mine sorry for liying to you all

4 years ago   回复

Omg hes so ❤attractive❤

you don’t have to respond, I just wanted to comment that

4 years ago   回复

Nobody cares, but i’m just going to rant anyway. read if your interested I guess.

thank you so much I’m so glad that I have you your honesty one of the people who I hope stays in touch with me for a while

4 years ago   回复

Omg hes so ❤attractive❤

Hey, this is Fox Lune. I know you probably hate my guts, and i’m so sorry for taking all this time to finally talk to you but I’m going to do so now. I was an idiot and I acted upon impulse back then , I didn’t even care what the effects were after what I did, I just did it. I honestly did have feelings for you back then and I can at least say that they were genuine, but I had to ruin it because I wasent thinking straight. I honestly hope that you were able to move on, and i’m sorry if me saying this changes anything, I wish you the very best and if you’d let me be friends with you, my honest self, not the one who lied about her entire identity, the one who is truthful about where she lives and who she cares about, then i’d be honored.

4 years ago   回复 (1)

Nobody cares, but i’m just going to rant anyway. read if your interested I guess.

thank you, that means so much to know that you at least forgive me, and I definitely don’t deserve it but as really hope I can show that i’ve changed, I will, I promise

4 years ago   回复



4 years ago   回复


4 years ago   回复

just ,,,,some advice yknow

The amount of piss and feet kink drawings i’ve seen involving some of my favorite anime's just because I searched it up as a joke is CONCERNING

4 years ago   回复 (3)

coochie butt (moved acc, Ja...

then I suggest just taking time to build up some courage, and if you end up getting rejected then you’ll eventually move on, just try to make the best out of your situation

4 years ago   回复