Father Benson

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kill the fags

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  Father Benson

Y'all dont understand how happy i am rn

ill leave this app, i want to learn. goodbye.

3 years ago   Reply (1)
  Father Benson

Y'all dont understand how happy i am rn

oh, i understand what wrongness ive been doing,

3 years ago   Reply (1)
  Father Benson

Y'all dont understand how happy i am rn

if i tell her anything, ill be hurt.

3 years ago   Reply (1)
  Father Benson

Y'all dont understand how happy i am rn

my mother told me that hot water burns away those feelings that i have towards men, she told me that the world is infecting me.
i dont want to go to hell, i want to go to heaven and be happy.

3 years ago   Reply (1)
  Father Benson

Y'all dont understand how happy i am rn

there is more genders?
my mother never told me any of this.

3 years ago   Reply (2)
  Father Benson


but please explain what i am doing thats wrong, im only warning you and my father said if we kill all the people who are bad, nobody will go to hell and be punished by satan.

3 years ago   Reply
  Father Benson

Y'all dont understand how happy i am rn

im just spreading the word of jesus, i do not want anyone to suffer the extreme pain and heat of hell.

3 years ago   Reply (2)
  Father Benson


joke account?
whats that, im new to social media and everything internet.
my mother gave me a phone and told me i should share the word of jesus christ.
if i dont ill be severely punished and i will be burned with hot water to free me of my sins.

3 years ago   Reply (2)
  Father Benson

Y'all dont understand how happy i am rn

my mother told me that black people is the reason why the world is in chaos, i assume shes correct.

3 years ago   Reply (3)
  Father Benson

family photo😻

this is a real family.
a female, male and a daughter whos straight.
i applaud your parents, but your mind is full of lies since you a a fag.

3 years ago   Reply (2)
  Father Benson

Y'all dont understand how happy i am rn

you are still a faggot.
like the black people, you should burn in hell with all the niggers and fairies

3 years ago   Reply (3)
  Father Benson

2 if I don't respond I'm also listening to music that might be one reason if I'm a little late

religion will give you place in the world, at least thats what my family tells me.

3 years ago   Reply (2)
  Father Benson


she needs to know her sins and free herself of it

3 years ago   Reply (1)
  Father Benson

Y'all dont understand how happy i am rn

you are male yes? well a fake male but i guess it still counts.
you are dating the one who calls herself exely?
then you are gay.

3 years ago   Reply (3)
  Father Benson

2 if I don't respond I'm also listening to music that might be one reason if I'm a little late

i will commit suicide if its in the name of our father jesus
i will burn myself with a cross and free myself of all my sins

3 years ago   Reply (2)
  Father Benson

Y'all dont understand how happy i am rn

you even act gay, im disapointed in you

3 years ago   Reply (1)
  Father Benson


go to hell, theres no such thing as being pansexual, its only men and women.

3 years ago   Reply (5)
  Father Benson

I promise I'll actually draw something tomorrow

Faggots, go to hell you retarded people
its only men and women

3 years ago   Reply (3)
  Father Benson


Fag, go to hell in the name of our father

3 years ago   Reply (1)