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Hello! I'm neq at this. I really want to learn ans also to use my drawings for my music as well as for fun. Any advice is welcome
18 Following 4 Follower
More than fun
You guys have taught me things
Hey man I wish I could draw this good
Aww man
Thank you
Kai animates
It's getting easier thanknyiub
Drawing randomly
Brother man you got talent
Step up and go
Hey wanna thank all the artist anf developers in here. I wish I ciukd draw but this is so much fun anf the music makes them happy
Mabel waving animation
Hey this is crazy cool
Hi (・∀・)
How do you animate
P.s. I love these
Hey can you tell me how to maje my figures into m4? And upload them?
Cowboys Karma
I like ut
This us very cool
S P I N ! ! !
I want to learn to do thus so very bad