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How Easter was created. (This is apost to be funny XD)
How the Easter bunny gets his colorfull eggs....
Chicken:hmmmm...oh! -lays a colorfull egg-/bunny:i thought this would kill you
Happy Easter!!!
Happy Easter!
Happy Easter
Happy easter too all my peeps
Bunny:hweheheeh chicken:o-ok... -drinks the paint-
Happy easter
Ok stop
Lol is that all you got yolks?
My top 5 easter puns
Thanks and thats all YOLKS
Lol sure thing buns
Im so EGGcited lol
Thanks BUNNY
I know BUNNY
Your hotter than hot cross buns
Have a hoppy easter guys
Omg shadow
Its sure is ink
There r not! Hwahahahahahahahah! -pulls out 200 tousend eggs-
Lel happy EGGSTER!!! (XD pls kill meh now)
Im so EGGcited for the egg hunt!