Edward and Percy animations

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Ok, I’m guessing it’s pretty bland just putting words here instead of colorful emojis and pictures made out of characters, but if you are actually reading this, wow. Good for you. I just want to say a couples thongs to you about my channel, or you can make common sense by just looking at all my questionable posts. Well, this place is based of if Thomas the tank engine. And this is not my first won, otherwise, I’d be an idiot, making weird stuff about things that nobody would want, well, I’m kinda doing the same thing, anyhow, welcome.

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  Edward and Percy animations

Mexico is mad

Mad in angry or mad in insane? If mad as an angry, then I guess someone said Taco Bell is the true Mexican restaurant, if the insane mad....you must be thinking about America.

3 years ago   Reply
  Edward and Percy animations


Uhh....draw toad

3 years ago   Reply
  Edward and Percy animations


I did ur request lol

3 years ago   Reply
  Edward and Percy animations


As someone who is too young to be watching country humans, I’m addicted to them

3 years ago   Reply (1)
  Edward and Percy animations


Where be ur thomas drawing

3 years ago   Reply
  Edward and Percy animations


Today is my moms birthday

3 years ago   Reply (1)
  Edward and Percy animations

X is a boy

Why did you delete your latest post

3 years ago   Reply (1)
  Edward and Percy animations

I gtg....

I remember when I first saw ur channel you only had about 200 followers, and now...wow! Keep going!

3 years ago   Reply (1)