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I got revenge in rp ;v;
-Hugs oku and gives her a bagel-
Dont hate meh for being realistic xD
Good job -3-
Draw something xD
People who think they dont matter/Oku Crybabies/Uhh Dark i guess xD
Even other crybabies that spam meh phone/// She just dont wants to talk
Even the ones who think they dont matter -3-
Duuh No one leaves this thing
Kate and Boer sitting on a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G srry i had to do that xD
She is hee
I am watching you all -3- I was looking at your new friends
Heh im alright, just dont be worry bout me im okay
Dark, you are spamming meh damn phone with your art xD
Hey oku
And Guess dark and oku
Kate does
This doesnt have any sense
Much Drama