(Chris Afton) :3

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Hello I am Chris
> Elizabeth/my big sister
Loves icecream and freddy and she hates falling ice cream
Will argue with mike and Chris sometimes for icecream/
Mike/my big brother
Likes to play video games
Likes ennard
Mike hates then ennard calls him eggs
Willam/my dad
He loves to murder and loves clara
He likes toast and coffee
And hates gitch of a parasite
Clara/my mom
Loves William and eating chocolate
She loves to dance
Nightmare loves to war mike and ennard
And likes to kill sometimes>
Nightmare Goldie
Loves to war ennard and mike to
Likes to kill sometimes to/
Loves to kill and Control William sometimes/
Loves nightmare and playing with lizzy
Likes to make nightmare and Goldie kiss
/stella aka Stellamoongacha76 she is my best friend :0


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