このユーザをブロック このユーザを通報
A person that likes to do animations Im from Spain
3 フォロー中 5 フォロワー
Guess his name
Sorry because i don't do animations I has Many homework
First say me yours!!!!!!!
Any ideas what to draw
If you do a Minecraft animation I will follow you
If you have smartphone: Whats your number?? It is because i want to call you UwU
Do you have Instagram? If you have whats your name?
Do you want yo he my friend? Inwas thinking to say It but now i said it
Good luck
How Many time you will be without doing animations????
Say It on the comments
Right know
If you want say yes If you don't want say no
My first idea of my science proyect wish me luck
You want Play Among Us??
Thanks Dania
Región North América Code VXLSJF
Dania yes or no??
Yes I pass you Code ok??
Thanks allnpeople following me UwU
Thanks you for following me An now Im following you UwU
Among us
I did an animation for you Dania