封锁这个用户 报告该用户
Crap I logged out of my account again!!!!!! Anyways here's my second backup account!!!!!
21 跟随 13 追随者
Kissing dares for meta
Among us kill animation 1#
Ok guys I changed my mind on leaving....
Happy b-day! Also i hope u feel better!
Kissing dares for leafy
New slendy update!
I have to go to school in 3-2 hrs i think now so this will be my last post for 5 days a week.sry guys
Anyone awake other than cyndaquil?
Im online
Oh ill join! My characters: the forgotten crystal characters
CowfeBèan (new OC)
My internet will be out in a few minutes
Ok sorry but heres a tip: turn on hotspot then turn it of after 19 seconds
Q&A for coffee
Witch colors do you like?
Ummm luweage bored wanted to be my boy friend.......WTF?!?!?!
Ik its so confusing!
I havent slept in 10 days and now graice wants to leave
Wait the what?!?!
I wanna leave..
Wait- WHAT?!?!
I tryed to draw poppe the profomar
Ohhh!! Thx for the tip!
I'll be offline for the rest of the weeks
Graice plz look in my comments in my PF and go on the one that has me cussing,look at what ppl are saying about ronsy!