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Hi, im WeIRDY
17 跟随 24 追随者
Sorry but brb it’s my dad he’s- nvm I tell u later))
Mino; I hate anything that slithers and I wouldn’t be please at a worm duck dog
Mino: it slithered James, totally not a snake.
Mino: jumps back on couch* I hate snakesssss >:
Mino: throw it out the window
Mino; falls backwards off couch* HOLY SHIT
No Title
Ah yeah sure sorry I didn’t before!
This. ✨
Songs to match this are hotrod by day glow and could 9 by beach bunny
Broom broom bitches
Idk just a dude
Whose online?
Also I responded to ur song thing
I wanna draw something based off a song- tell me some songs please bdhdhdh
Hotrod by glow
Me I’m back
Sketches sketches sketches
Actually I can’t rn but I can in maybe 1 or 2 hours?
Oop that sounds like I’m bragging sorry-
Mhm also on my OLDDDD trash acc and I mean actual scribbles minermaster replyed to something I made him
Thanks!! Also I have found tsbk follows me
Back from schOol
Good good,