Its Just Me

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EHHEJWKWKHD! So this is “Its Just Me” account! This is a rated E for everyone account! Now let’s look at more stuff!

You can cuss on my account but only when your annoyed or you hate me OR your gonna argue with a scammer or a hater! Just don’t do it all the time.

You can be you you can ask me to draw you and you can ask for pick a spot, Drawing requests, or Dares, ECT.


Favorite colors: Black and yellow.
Enemy: Rudeness
Fav activity: none
Gender: male
And Crush: Sammy

Favorite color: Blue
Enemy: Dot
fav activity: Spy
Gender: Female
Crush: No one

Favorite color: Black
Enemy Sammy:
Fav activity: Run form dot

There is some progress on this account! Follower goal this year: At least 400


6 Following     7 Follower