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13 フォロー中 14 フォロワー
I feel like shit :D
Don’t we all
i swear i can’t even draw my own oc anymore
I’ve been locked out of my acc but I still have myself logged in on phone
Is it ur new main acc or an alt?
Random stuff contest
k I've done it
Kid draws ™️
aight I'm done
The random one? if so yes
Richies Tail animation 😟
sorry I don't have any tips bc I never animate tails. Great animation btw :]
pov: you recognize this girl
g i r a f f e
Finally got to a guardian Temple and forgot a milk bucket for mining Fatigue
I was getting prismarine shards to repair my trident. -~-
"Lmao dude that's hilarious"
Lmao that's hilarious
Dark mode or light mode?
Maybe a mix of both or light mode at day and dark mode at night
😄 thanks!
The winners lol
°Δ° Thanks so much! :)))
They are here(Flash Warning)
love the pupil enlarging btw
STOP STOP (inspired and kind of stolen from Sr Pelo lol If u see this Sr Pelo don't copyright me)
When paint bucket glitches and ruins ur whole anime
Challenge!! Draw ur oc cosplaying as someone from the Dream smp
Hola I did the challenge as quackity!
Me with my left hand
😓 im left handed so if I'm not drawing digitally I smudge it all by accident
Dangerous mist (leader of t...