It's okay all I just trying say is your animated very nice it's about sanding down the flower whoever from undertales
You should change your speed and yeah it doesn't look like the people of Friday night funkin
I look a little bit more animated
Blood wouldn't come out if he got shot who have purple blood
I look a little bit more animated
Why he have a purple eye then he got punched or something
Stop it please or the nice people can't see my drawings and shopping the judge here dummy
Go check out the other one the drawing one like the cool one with the blue hair and not being mean to you I swear so can you just not be mean to me plus I'm only 10
Are you draw is Mickey Mouse drawings that doesn't even look like Mickey Mouse Mickey Mouse is not even Brown dummy
Go check out the other one the drawing one like the cool one with the blue hair and not being mean to you I swear so can you just not be mean to me plus I'm only 10
The clown from Friday night Funk and please leave a like
Leave a like and I'll make the one with a mask