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Hell0! I’m DD, also known as “Drawing Dogs”! As the name implies, I draw (or animate) dogs and/or other animals! Comment animal ideas!
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I guess I’ll hop on the trend with the others 🌝lmao
The family one is the man behind the slaughter 👀
Gud Night-
Gn, random person I’m now talking to
oaoa someone talk to me pls 😐
I shall talk 2 you... now!
*confused tall noises*
Spooky dance?
who is behind that door?
I like the door opening animation!
Don’t know who you are, but still happy 4 you!
Who wants a hug-
I am huggable (I think)!
Anime maker brawl
:O how will it end?
Perfect cicle
How do u draw soo draw circles good!!11!!!!!1111!!
What animal should I draw?
There’s a lot of different doggo memes... which one?