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O n l i n e O f f l i n e << ———- Currently: t i r e d ————— thinking of quitting this app ————- and g o o d by e
226 Following 241 Follower
Meet Kaiju uwu
i meant ‘ello not ‘Elmo T-T)) * slowly puts hand back away* Nice..uh, mask ya’ got there !
‘Elmo mate òwó ! * puts hand out*
1st request for meh sis uwu !
Thankz you ^^, chu welcome !!
any requests ? or want me to draw them ? i dunnooo
yeshhh uwu
anyone on ? =^=
yay owo
anyone wanna talk TwT ?
Kira: owo
so young =w= 💕
Y. Kiki: Morninngg! *smiles*
Y. Kiki: *follows Droplet*
Y. Kiki: hm..i wonder what everyone else is doing..
Y. Kiki: awww, cutie! *smiles softly at Droplet*
Y. Kiki: Oh hey there! *giggles and pets him*
Y. Kiki: *Wakes up and stares up at the ceiling*
Y. Kiki: *Stares at food and plops herself onto le bed* Zzz..
Y. Kiki: love ya to, goodnight!
Y. Kiki: oh.. well um, thanks for telling me,
Y. Kiki: yep, he seems really nice..!
Y. Kiki: *gives him a soft smile* goodnight, Friederich!
Y. Kiki: Thank you..! *looks around* pretty..!
Y. Kiki: ok.. *gets up from where she was sitting*,
Y. Kiki: ..okayy,,