Hello, enjoy my short bio.
Pfp by hopeless slice of cheese
🚫 was certainly not here.
I will pray for her tonight. As her friends you should definitely help her and support her through this. Give her a hug every day if she’s fine with it. Bring her favorite food to school and give it to her if you can. What always works for me is having a sleepover at my house and do what ever my friend asks and let them use what ever blanket they want
Awwww, thank you. I always try to help people out and whenever I’m sad I help others out on this app and it makes me feel better knowing I at least tried to help someone
im genuinely so happy. - vent🌿
You are too good and pure for your classmates! They don’t realize how great of a person you are and how you love taking to people in your own way. They may ignore you but that’s only because they know you are way to good for them. Don’t let anyone make you think otherwise. You have an amazing talent in drawing and I’m sure in other things. You are way to kind and polite in a good way. You apologize for the silliest things are that just makes you more kind hearted and unique compared to your classmates. Always find the positive side to things and if you can’t just talk to me or someone you love or consider family, they will cheer you up.
Hope this cheered you up
Something happened to me today
Beat him up. I don’t care how old he is, he shouldn’t be hurting you. Bet him up, sneak into his room while he’s sleeping and silently mess up his room or move things around, take his most beloved belongings if you can
You aren’t being dramatic. It’s okay that you don’t like running, you don’t always have to be with people and they shouldn’t have abandoned you and ran ahead.
Oh nooooo! I know it was a great price of art without looking at it. One thing about it is that you are the only person in the world (probably) that knows whaat it looks like and that just makes you more unique
Help people are moaning as a joke and it’s weird
Slap them in the face. I did it and it worked
2- I’m sorry I don’t know what to say but grandparents always give you more food than friends do
when you realize that there's no layers in the app
Sadly I found this out the hard way. Layers do not exist