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I’m back! :p
22 フォロー中 27 フォロワー
Kipper :p
Thank u :3
Species change!
Adorable :D
For Myadamemelord’s challenge
But also thank u and hi ;w;
Aw your quitting? Damn 😔r.i.p
it’s so realistic (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞
Give me your money
I don’t have money.. but can I offer you ice cream?
Normal drawing
Very normal :)
a lil pride month challenge
Imma do this even tho im late :w:
When you stub your toe and on the moment it heals you stub it again
Pain and suffering 🥺
Pick a role
Crew mate >:D
💫Meet le artista💫
Forever and always 😁
i drew him again in one of his possible outfits lol
Holy macaroni this is so cool! Love the shading :O
For Pinkie the wolf. 🐺wolf leader🐺. 💜💜💜
Awwwww your I love your art style!
Ooooh okie!
For 🥀~Cαѕρ~🥀 challenge
WOW this is amazing!
Oh! Did you delete ur past anime’s? Anyway HI! :D ur art is still amazing btw <3
You have the same name as my cat
I just noticed something
Mwahaha >:D Tord is my favourite
For legolus hand heart challenge thing | (• ◡•)|
Oh :0 try it with no capitals?
Aaaaaah HI MYA! :D