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Olivia Rodrigo for tittybossxd

I swallowed shampoo
I'm probably gonna die
It smelled like fruit
That was a lie
I called the number on the bottle
I spoke to a guy
He said "vomit"
I said why
He said "poison"
I said goodbye
I looked at my finger
I looked at my life
It wasn't that much
I'll probably be fine
I am the idiot who swallowed shampoo
Even though the label told me not to
So I tried to even it out
I swallowed conditioner
Last night I was sent to the commisioner
I died 💀

2 years ago   返信 (1)

King of shootdown

dude that's epic

3 years ago   返信

Please, stop copying me (ꐦ ´͈ ᗨ `͈ )

no offense, but are you so desperate for attention that you are calling people out? you got some real issues.

3 years ago   返信 (1)