TheGangAnimates ()Follower count:15() Currently:Online ()

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Hi Im Mairel
Age: 18
Likes: tea, orange, showing skin
Hates: Frogs, green, water
Current lover: Zack
Role: drawer

Hi I'm Cake
Age: 19
Likes: Sports, kicking ass, animating
Hates: Mairel, Orange, glasses, smurfs
Current lover: Lilli
Role: Animater

Hi I'm lilli
Age: 19
Likes: Sports, sweaters,tea
Hates: being alone, cake flirting with boys
Current lover: Cake
Role: Writer

Hi I'm Ann
Age: 17
Likes: writing, mairel, lilli, cats, candy
Hates: Cake, dares, dogs
Current lover: none
Role: answers questions, does Q & A's, Writes to fans,

Hey ladies im zack
Age: 17
Likes: Drawing, sketching, Mairel
Hates: Cake, Lilli, Ann, Anyone touching Mairel
Current lover: Mairel
Role: Mainly just Buggs mairel

34 Following     14 Follower

  TheGangAnimates ()Follower ...

Pick a spot

5 and use my oc that is meee tecknickly

6 years ago   Reply
  TheGangAnimates ()Follower ...


im still 3'7 WHY AM I NOT GROWING

6 years ago   Reply
  TheGangAnimates ()Follower ...

Can someone ship Coralineeeeee ???


6 years ago   Reply
  TheGangAnimates ()Follower ...

Can someone ship Coralineeeeee ???


6 years ago   Reply
  TheGangAnimates ()Follower ...

Are you guys ignoring me..?

lol. that's a yes from that dude

6 years ago   Reply
  TheGangAnimates ()Follower ...

Are you guys ignoring me..?

pets da flower* no. I'm ignoring my notifications :3

6 years ago   Reply
  TheGangAnimates ()Follower ...

I might take a break..

I barely post does that mean... IM YOUR FRIEND :D

6 years ago   Reply
  TheGangAnimates ()Follower ...

Poor Radio....

pats him on the back* there's plenty of fish in the sea :3

6 years ago   Reply
  TheGangAnimates ()Follower ...

Party rp

wait nvm I thought the fire was at bluey's house IM LIVE UNDER THE TABLE*

6 years ago   Reply
  TheGangAnimates ()Follower ...

Party rp

the table immunder catches on fire and I pass out! :ad*

6 years ago   Reply
  TheGangAnimates ()Follower ...

Party rp

still under the table* :D

6 years ago   Reply
  TheGangAnimates ()Follower ...

Party rp

In mind* I dont think he or she saw me >:3 even tho they stared at me for about 10 minutes :3

6 years ago   Reply
  TheGangAnimates ()Follower ...

Party rp

hides under a food table* o^o

6 years ago   Reply