Thanks for understanding it feels good to know there’s someone who remembers me and it feels good to give and get attention then again sorry for the jerky manipulative things I’ve done I’ve been taking therapy to stop guilt tripping and I’ve made good progress, I’d like to be friends again but I’m going to leave that up to you I’m logging out of this account and on to my main let me know.
Sorry to bother you.there a number of reasons I do shit like this, one I have a fear of being forgotten two, I’ve been bored and very lonely lately, three school has gotten better and I’ve looked back and realized how good my life was and I threw it away
Who am I then? Choose your next word carefully even if you do know me you don’t know how to say my name, I would discus with the other contestants before pointing fingers also if you haven’t read my caption I’d give it a tiny little peek