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206 フォロー中 45 フォロワー
If iam butiful but like pro
Not accurate:-|
Professional you are always late
In the math dimension, choose who you are
GGgjskthgdjxfm CANTANDO NO Friday Night funk
Professional, this game has become a legacy
Lily is lesbian!?
Coole p:D
Part 2
Foxyblack xD
choose a or b in my 9 10 11 posts
Hug for Goerge
I'm the leader of a country I can't hug
Yuki Bananero
He said I don't exist in this world
Mongol empire
What did you do... you changed something
I'm the head of my country
I exist, but I am not on the maps
My national day today
Talking about Abdel
the vietnam war