〔 。~ Skittles ~ 。〕

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Hello! My name is Skittles

Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay and Pansexual ;3;
Likes: candy, sweet stuff, anything nice
Dislikes: mean stuff
Personality: nose bleeding at cute stuff
Hobby: flying
Species: Winged Wolf

Crush: no one
Friends: my followers
Kids: 0
Siblings: 1 (Skit- male)

Skit: hi

Gender: Male
Sexuality: asexual
Likes: brother, friends, everything nice
Dislikes: anything mean or rude
Personality: shy
Hobby: flying
Species: Winged Wolf
Skit: Greetings.

Crush: no one
Friends: Me
Kids: 0
Siblings: Me (Skittles)

10 Following     13 Follower

  〔 。~ Skittles ~ 。〕

Topaz: :<

*looks at topaz' face* he's as red as a tamato

7 years ago   Reply
  〔 。~ Skittles ~ 。〕

CreepyPasta Fans ONLY

*holding jeff's knife* oooh! Sharp!

7 years ago   Reply
  〔 。~ Skittles ~ 。〕

CreepyPasta Fans ONLY

Hey Jeff, THINK FAST *runs up to Jeff and pinches his cheeks and then runs away*

7 years ago   Reply
  〔 。~ Skittles ~ 。〕

Topaz: :<

:T you can't hide it FOREVER

7 years ago   Reply
  〔 。~ Skittles ~ 。〕

I'm Gay and Pan (I'm asexual irl )

Doesn't pan mean I like both girls and boys?

7 years ago   Reply
  〔 。~ Skittles ~ 。〕

Topaz: :<

What R you hiding -3- *suspicious look*

7 years ago   Reply
  〔 。~ Skittles ~ 。〕

Topaz: :<

Where you about to say something?

7 years ago   Reply