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Howdy! My names ShadowWolf9983 on here but you may call me SW or PB if you're lazy like me lmao!
4 Following 5 Follower
What hair style
The Girl and Dragon
What? Is it not good?
Thank you!
Wild animal rp spot
(( Good night ))
Shadow walks away and walks back to her tribe. The leader "Shadow! Have you heard word from the other tribes?" Shadow shook her head no. The lea
Shadow then finish the bones and started to lick her paws
Shadow finished the fish and started to chew the bones not wanting to waste the food
Shadow took the fish she caught and started to eat it
(( okay shadow is 18 years or so, in dog years ))
Shadow nodded "Uh be more careful next time I guess." She said walking back to the river
Shadow took katty by the scruff and jumped onto land "Are you alright?" She said getting up
Shadow saw and ran over to catch Katty
Shadow pounced at it and struck the fish with her teeth so she'd catch it
I'm sorry but I rp a little differently, so bare with me.)) Shadow saw a fish and crouched down
Hey! I'm new!
Yes I know you're a girl
Okay I know it's spelt dude, but I say dood. It's the same thing just different spelling
*Plays in river laughing*
Yeah, I saw my dood